Name Of the BankExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Purvanchal Gramin BankOfficer Scale I 29/07/201303/08/2013
Central MP Grameena BankOfficer Scale I, Office Asst 26/07/201303/08/2013
Allahabad UP Gramin BankOfficer Scale I, Office Asst 22/07/201303/08/2013
Haryana Gramin BankOffice Asst (IBPS)22/07/201301/08/2013
Union Bank of IndiaSpecialist Officers 10/07/201315/07/2013
Punjab Gramin BankOfficer Scale I, Office Asst 08/07/201318/07/2013
Dena BankSpecialist Officers (Non-CWE Posts)08/07/2013.
SBIProbationary Officers03/07/201316/07/2013
Vananchal BankOfficer Scale I, II, Office Asst 20/06/201313/07/2013
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
UPSC – CAPF (AC) Exam 201215/07/201301/08/2013
UPSC – SCRA Exam 201308/07/201311/07/2013
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
SSCNR – Jr Technical Asst (Coder) No. 02/201119/07/201319/07/2013
SSCNR – Research Assistant No. 01/201216/07/201316/07/2013
SSCNER – Professional Asst (Hydromet) No. 01/201309/07/201309/07/2013
SSCNR – Taxidermist No. 01/201203/07/201303/07/2013
Other Govt Financial Institutes
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Can Fin Homes Ltd – Jr Officers10/07/201312/07/2013
Other All India Exams
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Junior Residents (Dental)01/08/201301/08/2013
CSMCRI Technical Officers, Technical Assts No. 02/201225/07/201329/07/2013
BARC Sub Officer No. 01/2012(R-I)25/07/201325/07/2013
NVS, Bhopal Miscellaneous Category Teachers22/07/201330/07/2013
NVS, Pune TGT, Teachers, PET, Catering Assts22/07/201326/07/2013
NMDC Ltd Jr Officer (Mining)21/07/201321/07/2013
NIELIT Scientist, Scientific/Technical Assts18/07/201322/07/2013
AIATSL Junior Customer Agent17/07/201326/07/2013
Heavy Water Board Driver Cum Operator No. 01/2012 15/07/201322/07/2013
NEEPCO Trainee Officers, Engineers, Trainee Accounts Officer15/07/201308/08/2013
Labour Bureau Consultants, Investigators15/07/201319/07/2013
HEC LtdExecutive Trainee (HR & Law)15/07/201317/07/2013
BARC Scientific Asst (Civil) No. 01/2012(R-I)15/07/201319/07/2013
Bharat Dynamics Ltd Dy Manager (Electronics)10/07/201312/07/2013
NIAB Scientists B/C, D, E, F No. 01/201310/07/201310/07/2013
NEERI Scientists No. 02/201209/07/201311/07/2013
NIAB Technical Officers No. 01/201309/07/201309/07/2013
BHEL, Haridwar Nursing Assistant08/07/201309/07/2013
Ordnance Factory Bhandara Danger Building Worker (Semi Skilled)08/07/201308/07/2013
IICBScientists 08/07/201308/07/2013
Mazagon Dock LtdAsst Manager, Sr Engineer No.20/201207/07/201308/07/2013
Heavy Engineering Corporation Executive Trainees (Non-Technical) No. 04/201201/07/201306/07/2013
ONGC Asst Technican, Technical Asst, Jr Asst, Supervisors No. 01/201325/06/2013.
Heavy Engineering Corporation Executive Trainees (Technical)17/06/201312/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
RRB ChandigarhExtension Educator, District Extension Educator No. 01/2009, 06/201026/07/201326/07/2013
RRB, BhopalTicket Collector & Train Clerk No. 03/2006, 03/2007, 03/2008 (2nd Stage)22/07/201302/08/2013
DMRCLAsst Manager (Safety)17/07/201317/07/2013
RRB AllahabadAsst Locopilot No. 01/201115/07/201331/07/2013
RRB, JammuTechnicians No. 04/201211/07/201319/07/2013
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Andhra Pradesh
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
APPSCLecturers in Govt Polytechnic Colleges No. 19/201218/07/201301/08/2013
APGENCOJunior Plant Attendants 10/07/201325/07/2013
APSRTCStaff Nurse, Nursing Orderly, Ward Boy06/07/201306/07/2013
APPSCGroup II Services (Non-Executive Posts) No. 39/201128/06/201328/06/2013
Arunachal Pradesh
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
BIADA, BiharExecutives18/07/201318/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Regional Institute for Mentally Handicapped, ChandigarhClerks12/07/201312/07/2013
Daman & Diu
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Daman & Diu AdministrationLab Asst06/07/201306/07/2013
Recruitment BoardInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Goa Police – Police Sub Inspectors25/06/201312/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
GPSC Inspector of Motor Vehicles No. 12/2012-1322/07/201308/08/2013
GPSC Asst Professor (Anaesthesiology) No. 24/2012-1317/07/201319/07/2013
GPSC HOD No. 52/2011-1215/07/201315/07/2013
GPSC Deputy Director (Animal Husbandry) No. 70/2011-1208/07/201312/07/2013
GPSC Asst Professor (Botany) No. 135/2011-1204/07/201306/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
HSSCElection Kanoongo No. 03/201231/07/201331/07/2013
HPSCHCS (Judicial Branch) Main Exam 201220/07/201326/07/2013
Directorate of School Education, HaryanaPGT, Librarian08/07/201310/07/2013
HSTSBPrimary Teachers No. 02/201201/07/201326/07/2013
HSSCManual Assistant No. 01/201124/06/201330/07/2013
HSSCJunior Engineer (Electrical) No. 02/201131/05/201319/07/2013
HSSPP (Postponed)Work Education Instructors (Art of Needle & Thread Work, Clay Modelling)17/04/201306/05/2013
Himachal Pradesh
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
HPSSSBPGT (Informatics Practices)27/05/201302/08/2013
Jammu & Kashmir
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
JKPSCJ & K Combined Competitive (Main) Exam 201201/07/201319/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Karnataka High CourtCivil Judges (Main) Examination08/07/201312/07/2013
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
KELTRON – Engineers, Technical Assts16/07/201318/07/2013
KELTRON – Dy Manager/Manager16/07/201316/07/2013
KELTRON – Officer, Sr Officer (HR)12/07/201312/07/2013
Kerala PSC - Analyst (Physical Testing Laboratory) No. 60/201011/07/201311/07/2013
Kerala PSC - Plumber No. 361/201211/07/201311/07/2013
KELTRON – Server Administrator11/07/201311/07/2013
Kerala PSC - Asst Project Engineer No. 367/201210/07/201310/07/2013
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Madhya Pradesh
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
MPPSC State Service (Main) Exam 201008/07/201303/08/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Bombay High CourtStenographers (LG, HG)05/07/201306/07/2013
Recruitment BoardInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Mizoram PSC - Marketing Officer No. 07 of 2012-1330/07/201330/07/2013
Mizoram PSC – MCS Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam 201323/07/201324/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Nagaland PSCCombined Technical Service Exam 201219/07/201309/08/2013
New Delhi
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Delhi Development Authority – Asst Executive Engineers22/07/201324/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Orissa High CourtSystem Assistants20/07/201321/07/2013
OPSCProgrammer (Practical Test)09/07/201309/07/2013
Orissa High CourtResearch Assts (Interview List)06/07/201306/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
RPSCLecturer (Chemistry)22/07/201325/07/2013
RPSCLecturer (Physics)15/07/201318/07/2013
RPSCRJS Exam 201110/07/201316/08/2013
RPSCJr Chemist09/07/201309/07/2013
RPSCTechnical Asst (Hydrogeology)08/07/201309/07/2013
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Tamil Nadu
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
TNPSCAsst Medical Officer (Ayurvedha) No. 48/201217/07/201317/07/2013
TNPSCAsst Medical Officer (Siddha) No. 48/201210/07/201311/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends

Uttar Pradesh
Exam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
UP Secondary Education Services Selection Board - TGT (Maths)30/07/201330/07/2013
UPPSC – Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (Main) Exam 201126/07/201327/08/2013
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad - Law Clerk (Trainee)20/07/201321/07/2013
UPPSC – Reader (Kriya Sharir) No. 05/2012-1312/07/201312/07/2013
UPPSC – Statistical Officer No. 06/2011-1211/07/201311/07/2013
UPPSC – Curator No. 04/2012-1311/07/201311/07/2013
UPPSC – Lecturer (Ancient History) No. 05/2008-0910/07/201310/07/2013
UPPSC – Lecturer (Microbiology) No. 07/2007-0810/07/201310/07/2013
UPPSC – Field Assistant No. 04/2012-1310/07/201310/07/2013
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
UKPSCAsst Professors (Education)12/08/201313/08/2013
UKPSCAsst Professors (Geological Science)08/08/201308/08/2013
UKPSCAsst Professors (Commerce)06/08/201313/08/2013
UKPSCAsst Professors (Law)06/08/201313/08/2013
UKPSCAsst Professors (Horticulture)06/08/201307/08/2013
UKPSCAsst Professors (English)06/08/201307/08/2013
UBTER Group 14, 27 Exam 201115/07/201315/07/2013
UBTER, Roorkee   Excise Constables15/07/201315/07/2013
West Bengal
Recruitment BoardExam NameInterview Schedule BeginsInterview Schedule Ends
WBPSCLibrarian No. 05/201223/07/201323/07/2013
WB College Service CommissionAsst Professors (Geography)22/07/201331/07/2013
WB College Service CommissionAsst Professors (Nepali)18/07/201318/07/2013
WBPSCAgricultural Marketing Officer No. 05/201217/07/201317/07/2013
WBPSCAsst Mistress (Mathematics) No. 09/201112/07/201312/07/2013
WBPSCAsst Master (Mathematics) No. 09/201111/07/201311/07/2013
WBPSCSurveyors No. 16/201110/07/201322/07/2013
WB State Health & Family Welfare SamitiMedical Officers02/07/201308/07/2013
WBPSCMotor Vehicle Inspector (Non-Technical) No. 05/201202/07/201308/07/2013